Last time the car was in for a quick check over and a change of the plugs.
Well unfortunately that turned into a bit more. We thought we’d do a quick leak down and compression test, results were not good. It showed up piston ring and head gasket leakages. So decided to do a quick (!) refresh, now its a race against time to get it all back together ready for the last round of Time Attack on the 11th!
Good news is Paul got hold of a 2nd hand Greddy inlet for me, pic below of it now its been polished up along with the reworked inlet runners and IC pipe.
[singlepic id=60 w=320 h=240 float=none]
They are also fitting a new breather system to the car with 19mm breathers, up from the stock 12mm size, for that extra bit of capacity. Everything else on the engine will remain the same.