Got a few bits done last week.
I’ve had the air filter intake properly moulded into the bonnet and repainted, looks sooooooooo much neater now
Before and after pictures below. Also, gave the drivers side inner wing a new coat of paint, amazing what a difference this can make and fitted some bonnet dampers, makes life much easier.
Received my Ikeya Formula suspension parts today. Front lower arms which means you can adjust the roll centre which is very important for lowered cars. Rear toe arms and traction rods, all rose jointed as you can see. I’ve also got some used Ikeya rear lower arms as well. Hope they make a difference on the track, cost a fortune!
I also changed all my boost solenoid plumbing over to Goodridge fittings/braided lines instead of push silicon tubing, no chance of anything splitting/popping off now.