Bit of news, my Nitron 3 way dampers turned up Monday, these are proper quality, best I’ve ever seen, lets hope they work as well as they look! They’ll also be available in 1 way & 2 way as well. I’ll get them on my website ASAP.
I’ve had the cannisters made with enough piping so they dont have to be mounted under the car. The rears are going in the boot and the fronts are going in the engine bay, makes life easier adjusting them.
Fibreglass doors arrived the other day, check these out, they weigh 6kg each, I weighed a stock door without the glass and window mechanism in them and they weighed 20kg. Should be on for a good 35kg weight saving with perspex glass, I’m going to keep the electric windows though as it doesn’t weigh that much. I’ll be selling these for about £800 + VAT, just got to test fit them to make sure there a good fit.
Also picture of the Racepak IQ3 in its box, nice bit of kit this